- Automatically close inactive buffers after a period of time in minutes or when the new buffer is adding
-- lazy.nvim { 'sontungexpt/buffer-closer', event = "VeryLazy", },
-- default values require("buffer-closer").setup({ min_remaining_buffers = 2, -- can not be less than 1 retirement_minutes = 3, -- can not be less than 1 -- close the buffer when the given events are triggered (see :h autocmd-events) -- if the value is "default", the plugin will use the default events -- if the value is "disabled", the plugin will not use any events -- if the value is a table, the plugin will use the given events events = "default", -- (table, "default", "disabled"): timed_check = { enabled = false, interval_minutes = 1, -- can not be less than 1 }, excluded = { filetypes = { "lazy", "NvimTree", "mason" }, buftypes = { "terminal", "nofile", "quickfix", "prompt", "help" }, filenames = {}, }, -- it means that a buffer will not be closed if it is opened in a window ignore_working_windows = true, })
- This plugin will automatically close inactive buffers after a period of time in minutes or when the new buffer is adding
- If you want to close all inactive buffers immediately, you can use
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Thanks for inspiration from chrisgrieser